Albert Einstein Motivation

On November 25, 1915, Albert Einstein presented to the Prussian Academy of Sciences, Berlin, the theory that would culminate their myth. General Relativity was a continuation of the special, the idea that it had ten years before when he was officer of the Patent Office Switzerland. That miracle year of 1905, Einstein showed how the movement changed the perception of space and time, but the speed of light and the laws of physics are always the same regardless of the speed at which the observer moves.

With these fundamentals, in 1907, Einstein had which considered the happiest idea of his life. In one of his famous thought experiments, he realized that someone in free fall and someone floating in space would have a similar feeling, as if gravity did not exist. Later, he also noted that stand on the Earth, attracted by the force of gravity on the planet, it would not be very different in a spaceship that speed to produce the same effect.

From this intuition, Einstein raised is that both gravity and acceleration should have the same cause, that would be the ability of objects with high mass as the planets or stars for bending a continuous tissue formed by space and time, two dimensions which for millennia had been considered separate and absolute in which matter existed and interacted. The effect of this curvature and objects moving over her is what we perceive as the force of gravity, or explained in the words of John Archibald Wheeler, space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve is.

Albert Einstein

The first amazing consequences of Einstein's theories came soon. Just weeks after his presentation in Berlin, Karl Schwarzschild, another researcher from academia, wrote to Einstein showing you their calculations about how it would behave the gravitational field around a star according to general relativity. Schwarzschild, a renowned physicist, had come to its conclusion, calculating in his spare time while working as a gunner on the Russian front during the first world war. In addition to showing the efficacy of Einstein's equations to describe the real world, Schwarzschild results suggested the existence of unexpected cosmic objects. To calculate the effects of the curvature of spacetime inside and outside of a star, he noted that, if the mass of the star is comprimiese in a space small enough, spatio-temporal tissue seemed to come down. It was the implausible prediction of black holes, objects whose gravitational pull can not escape the light and even Einstein was considered possible.

A summary: the space tells matter how to move, and matter tells space how to curve is
The first great experiment which served to confirm the validity of the ideas of General Relativity was directed by the British astronomer Arthur Eddington in 1919. During a solar eclipse, he noted that as he predicted by theory, the mass of the Sun was the light from the stars who were behind the star is curvase. It tasted so a large object was able to distort space-time and that even light was diverted to follow the new geometry. Just a year after the great war, a scientist from the winning side had given glory with their effort to another born in the defeated country. From that moment of high scientific and symbolic value, the creator of relativistic theories became forever the most recognizable scientist in the world.

Despite what is said in some occasions, Einstein, as well as having a capacity to see the world different from most, was a great student and was always among the first of their kind. But also, as almost everyone who achieve prominent achievements, had a huge ambition and not felt any reverence for the authority. When he was still a young man of 22 years and had gotten nothing, he did not hesitate in targeting the physicist Paul Drude to point out the errors of his theory of the electron. "